Seven Millennia of Saltmaking. 3rd Internacional Congress on the Anthropology of Salt (2025)

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Salt production in the Middle March of al-Andalus (Spain)

Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz

Seven Millenia of Saltmaking. III Congreso Internacional de Antropología de la Sal, 2022

The aim of this study is to analyze the social organization of the territory and the distribution of the settlements particularly in relation to the management and control of salt, considering the places connected with its production: the salt pans. The studied geographical region is located in the center of the Iberian Peninsula, especially the area north and east of the province of Guadalajara and south of the province of Soria. In this area, there are various renowned saltworks areas, such as Imon, La Olmeda, Riba de Saelices, Armallá or Esteras de Medinaceli, among others. The chronological framework analysed is from 8th to 12th century. From a historical and cultural point of view, these centuries correspond to the periodin which this land was part of the “Marca Media” of al-Andalus, that is, the central space of the frontier between the andalusi society and the feudal and Christian kingdoms. For this reason, it will be analyzed the invasion and Islamization of this area from the 8th to the 9th century, up until the expansion, conquest and feudal colonization which occurred during the 11th and 12th centuries. Different kind of sources will be used, including archaeological and documentary ones.

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La explotación y el comercio de la sal en el noreste de la península ibérica entre los siglos II-I ANE: Cardona y el Pirineo Oriental

Ainhoa Pancorbo Picó

Seven Millennia of Saltmaking. 3rd Internacional Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, 2022

Entre los años 2015 y 2016 se llevaron a cabo una serie de trabajos arqueológicos en el llamado “Campet de la Sal”, a escasos metros del valle salado de Cardona, y motivados por el proyecto de construcción de un campo de fútbol. Estas intervenciones permitieron documentar un asentamiento romano relacionado con el control y la explotación de la sal. La intervención afectó solo a una parte del yacimiento, y en algunos casos no se pudo agotar la totalidad de la secuencia estratigráfica. Pese a estas limitaciones, los resultados obtenidos revisten singular importancia, puesto que permiten valorar el importante rol de la explotación de la sal en la implantación territorial romano-republicana en el Noreste Peninsular. Actualmente, el yacimiento se encuentra cubierto por las instalaciones deportivas que motivaron dicha intervención.

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Blas Román Castellón Huerta

Seven Millenia of Saltmaking. 3rd International Congress on the Antthropology of Salt, 2022

Se exponen los orígenes de recipientes antiguos y su relación con la producción de sal y la agricultura, como dos actividades paralelas y complementarias. Especialmente la relación de la sal y el maíz, y sus manifestaciones simbólcas.

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giorgio baratti

BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF SALT Gesaltza Añana/Salinas de Añana 12-15 September 2018, 2018

he recent archaeological investigations carried out in the beach of Baratti Bay(Piombino, Tuscany, Italy) have revealed the existence of an important salt production sitedated to the Late Bronze Age (10th century B.C.). A detailed analysis of the stratigraphicsequence attested the employment of fire in the activities of extraction and, possibly, theproduction of salt blocks, which could be easily transported and traded. This method is nowdocumented by a growing number of sites in Italy, mainly located in the central Tyrrheniancoast and occupied during the Late Bronze Age. In this regard, it should be emphasized thatthere was a close relationship between the production and the commercialization of saltblocks in central coastal Italy and the development of a pastoral economy among thecommunities that occupied the Apennines region in protohistoric time

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El Alfolí 5 2009.pdf

Katia Hueso

El Alfolí 5, 2009

Salt production, salt trade and salt politics in Scandinavia…. (2nd part) – Brine concentration by means of blackthorn graduation – Report on the 3rd International Seminar on Portuguese Salt The salt landscape - tradition and innovation – El Gran Lago Salado de Utah, EEUU

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Third International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt, Gesaltza Añana/Salinas de Añana 12-15 September 2018. Book of Abstracts

Marius Alexianu, Roxana-Gabriela Curca

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El Alfoli 14 2014.pdf

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A Figueira da Foz e a história feminina do sal—Maras revisitado. La producción de sal en las salineras de Maras (Cusco, Perú), del autoconsumo a la patrimonialización—Un mapa del siglo XVI como documento de gestión empresarial

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Seven Millennia of Saltmaking. 3rd Internacional Congress on the Anthropology of Salt (2025)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.